Well, without shame, I'm plugging 1 Single Day hosted by Crossway Church of Lancaster on September 2, 2006. The link for the website is here or under "links" on the left side. Being on the planning committee, I can't get into too many details but we have a chockful (and might I add chickful - another shameless plug I know) of things for the day, so check back often.
Last year, God graciously blessed 1 Single Day with all the details from the weather, planning, safety, providing servants, providing speakers, the worship, food, games, etc., etc., and we will need his grace again for this year. I know for myself, I am praying with expectant faith for the Holy Spirit to meet us once again during the whole event from planning to the actual day and afterward.
So, check out the website and if you are a single, please consider joining us for that weekend! Below, I give you my top 3 reasons for attending 1 Single Day this year,
- You will receive excellent teaching from one of the best senior pastors, Peter Privitera.
- Want to know what it was like for the early American church to meet? Well, the main sessions will be held in an authentic Lancaster County barn. How cool is that?!
- Whoopie Pies! One of the better, IMO, foods to come out of Lancaster County.
- You may have the chance to direct parking using a walkie-talkie and wearing color- coordinated vest and flag. (I know that is really speaking to the guys out there.)
- Housing singles who have traveled far and wide and inviting them to church the next day.
- Whoopie Pies! My mouth is watering already for them!
This is a test.
You wouldn't by any chance be excited about the whoopie pies, would you? :)
What are whoopie pies? I dont even
know what the heck they are. On the
other hand maybe I better get busy
making those dang things.
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