Okay, another earth shattering title I know...keeping things simple, if at all possible, is a good thing...so, Woman Wednesday is well going to be about women or things related to women that God has shown me...
Today's post is hopeful going to be the first of a series about John MacArthur book "Twelve Extraordinary Women." I bought this book several months ago and I have only opened the book to look at my namesake, Sarah, wife of Abraham. I've wanted to go through the book more thoroughly to gain insight on the women who have gone before me and hopefully writing these posts will help me to be faithful to go through the entire book.
My taste for reading the book was whetted after reading this in the preface of MacArthur's book:
"My hope is that. . . readers will see aspects of themselves in these studies and be encouraged by the reminder that our personal struggles and temptations are the very same trials that all believers in all ages have confronted." (pg. viii)
Isn't that encouraging? To know that from the most simplest to the most complicated things in life that we as sisters in Christ face, there have been sisters before us that have experienced these things. Now that may sound like the battle cry for empowering sisterhood, and even better that John MacArthur's uses the word "extraordinary" in the title to describe the heroines and his previous similar book was only titled "Twelve Ordinary Men," (exaggerated emphasis mine) but here's the most encouraging thought about what we can learn from those women who have gone before us.
In MacArthur's own words: "most of the women featured in this book....were unremarkable in and of themelves. They were ordinary, common and in some cases shockingly low-caste women...In each instance, what made them extraordinary was a memorable, life-changing encounter with the God of the universe." (pg. ix, emphasis mine)
That is rock solid truth my sisters. No matter what kind of life we have or have had, God, in his mercy, is able to take any life at any point and make it extraordinary for his glory and our good. Including guys' lives too. :-) Thank goodness for that because, should God have marriage in mind, who would we marry? :-)
Only 2 days to NA. Woohoo!
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