This week, there's been alot of good stuff I've come across this week and I hope to share it with you here.
The first forward is from the Together for the Gospel blog. Recently, the men, (CJ Mahaney, Al Mohler, Ligon Duncan and Mark Dever) had a conversation about biblical complementarism or gender roles as defined by God's Word. Below, I've brought up the links for each one's contribution.
Mark Dever entry - Undermining Tolerance of Egalitarianism
Ligon Duncan entry - Thanks Mark (more on T4G and Complementarianism)
Al Molher entry - The Glory of God and the Question of Gender
CJ Mahaney entry - Deliberate Complementarian Pastors
I encourage everyone to read their entries. I know it has sparked much talk out there in the blogosphere. You may or may not agree with the authors, but the common theme I found is that biblical masculinity and biblical femininity glorify God and are a witness to the gospel.
Additionally, I would add a couple of things to the ladies out there from a ex-pro-feminist.
- Please read these entries with you in mind and not about your situation in life where the man or men seem lacking in biblical masculinity. Biblical masculinity is not a requirement for desiring and practicing biblical femininity or vice versa. That may sound like the cry for each gender to say they don't need each other, however, when you study biblical masculinity and femininity you'll see that it is about glorifying God with how he made each gender and the good plans he has for both genders.
- Ladies, whether you are single or married, we need to be pursuing what biblical femininity looks like and practicing it well. Why? Not for the sake of getting a husband or making a husband happy, but for the sake of the gospel (Titus 2:5)
- Biblical femininity may look different on the outside for many different people, but it's what's on the inside that counts. (This could be a subject in and of itself, but what I mean here is that I think there is no one way a biblically feminine women should dress or cook or the type of home she lives in. Granted this is not a free license to dress, cook or do whatever we feel like. I think, and I know from experience, that we women can see another woman that we admire and judge ourselves based off of that woman and we may find ourselves resenting God for the way he made us and/or the place he has us in. This is not pleasing to God and can create jealousy and contempt among sisters in Christ.)
- Lastly, there's God's grace and it is all of God's grace that makes us into biblically feminine women. Take it from an ex-pro-feminist, God can redeem women who have been seduced and are being seduced by the lies of this world and bring them into the freedom of living in God's perfect and good design for us as women.
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