
Night out with the girls

This is a late post or rather early morning post..I am writing this at 12:50 AM Saturday morning. I just finished hanging out with three ladies I had the pleasure of seeing M. Night Shymalan's new movie, Lady in the Water with and going to Barnes and Nobles afterwards for coffee and discussion.

I liked the movie alot, but I won't spend alot of space here to write about it. What I want to write about was the wonderful memories made by being together, talking and discussing. Conversations ranged from the movie, each other lives, the conflict in the Middle East, biodiesel fuel, the next election, to I think just about every current local and global topic. Although we didn't come to any conclusions about things and it wasn't like we needed to anyway, I thought it was neat to hear what the ladies thought as well as hear their questions. "Now Sara, what do you think about this..."

I think I was blown away by how these ladies were interested in the current global topics. I have a degree in International Studies, so I've devoted almost 1/7 of my life to study of world cultures and politics. These ladies have full lives caring for their families and yet they keep track of things going on outside the world. As one of them shared, "I can't imagine what's it like [in Lebanon] and I am here just going about my daily life." It wasn't that she shared this with an air of pride but out of genuine concern for the people in Lebanon. Like I said before, I was blown away by the lively discussion and it humbled me to see these women discuss these topics in a God-fearing and humble posture instead of a "well I know all the answers to everything and this is how it should be handled..."

So ladies, Dawn M., Carol L. and the other white Carol, thank you for the girls night out!

It's 1:18 AM and I think the Starbucks coffee is finally wearing off....


1 comment:

Julie Garner said...

Hmmm...I'm interested in hearing your take on Lady in the Water. Dan and I saw it the same day you did. Let's save that for a discussion! And current events! Oh, girl, I am ADDICTED to the news. I could speak of it for hours. Perhaps not always the most intellegently, but...

See, I missed last week catching up on everyone's blogs and I'm finding I missed out on a lot!
