
15 away...

Hey everyone,

I am 15 posts away from my 500th post. Wow!

I wanted to throw a question out there. Do you have a favorite post from Stank'N Rank'N? I think in celebration of 500, I wanted to re-post readers favorites. If you can comment in this post below with the post and the reason it's your favorite, I will then re-post them with readers comments.

To aid you in your quest, at the end of my blog, there is a handy search function to look for things on Stank'N Rank'N like for instance "shoes." Or you could look my tag list for things like "Just for Fun," or "hawaii trip" or "random" if you feeling adventurous. I had to look at "random" myself and it truly is random!

I can't wait to see the results!

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