
1 single day 2006

Picture by Jeremy Landis

Above, you'll see a group picture of about 200 singles who gathered at the CCL church property on one soggy day last Saturday but came to hear excellent preaching, worship and experience fellowship. I am in the orange shirt on the right down in the front row next to Lisa. I'm short so I fit well in the front. :-)

Personally for me, 1SD represented to me the mercy of God. What started last year grew this year and I was humbled that God would allow us to have this event again and meet us again in the planning and during the day. I was amazed that even with the weather, people were not complaining about being in a barn all day and people didn't leave during the afternoon break! Thank you to everyone who stuck out the weather with us! Thank you everyone for being flexible and patient with the day, as the planning team had to go to plan 'B' earlier that week. A BIG THANKS to Doug Plank for leading the team and for serving us all so well.

If you went to 1SD or served with 1SD, please feel free to post comments below. I would love to hear how God met you that day and pass it along to the 1SD team!

For more stuff from 1SD, go here. Messages and pictures will hopefully be coming soon!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Sara!!
This being my first 1sd, I have to say it was AWESOME!! Kind of a shorter N.A. revisited. I didn't have that dramatic "aha" moment where God reveals some major revelation, but a quiet reassurance that He loves me, delights in me, and desires for me to be seeking Him out daily (particularly in the morning). This was key for me, because He's been telling me over the last few weeks that I need to make my quiet times a priority in the day. There is nothing more precious than starting my day with Him. And on the days that I'm doing it just to do it or because I'm impressed with myself (isn't that a joke!), He's kind to bring me back to earth and help me see my sin and fallibility (is that a word??). God is good!
p.s. I fail to see why people wouldn't want to spend their entire day in the barn...am I missing something? :)