
Blog Site Updates

I've made some changes and added a few extras to the blog on the left hand column. I have to admit, the left hand column is more for my use, but feel free to use it too!

Google Calendar - ok, yes, I am a Google fan. They have lots of easy programs and they're free. Click on the calendar icon to see what I'm up to. Note, it doesn't have everything on there, just some plans for when I'll be out of town...

Links - I've added a few more links to blogs I visit daily. Check them out!

Friends - The list is growing! I love using this as a quick list to catch up with friends. If you have a blog or webpage and want to be placed on the list, email me or place in comments of this post.

Wishlist - Ok, this is not just for my use in remembering things I would like, but feel free to use the list for ideas for birthdays, gifts, whatever! Just a reminder, my birthday is May 18th. hint, hint. :-)


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