
Request for Fasting & Praying

I know probably mostly everyone who reads this blog is aware of Alivia Haughery's health right now. For those of you who don't know Alivia, she is a little girl in our church who is very sick right now and may need a bone marrow transplant very soon in the next two weeks or so. Her mom has been keeping us up to date through her blog - http://aliviarachelhaughery32005.blogspot.com/

Please take a moment to look through the blog and get caught up with the details.

This week, my pastor, Pete Privitera encouraged everyone to fast and pray for Alivia to be healed. Here is part of an email he sent to the church family:

Hello CrossWay Church,

This is a reminder regarding our time of fasting and prayer this week for Alivia Haughery and her parents, James and Emily. As you probably know the situation has only become more difficult. Emily has, through tremendous heartache, kept us all up to date on the situation through her blog.

Please take as much time as you can this week to fast and pray. Fasting is an indication of our desperateness – and reveals just how dependant on God that we really are. Please cry out to God to heal this precious baby.

When you fast it’s a good idea to set aside the time you would normally use for eating and take that time to pray. Please pray for healing, for strength and grace for James and Emily and for wisdom and skill for the doctors. Also, you may want to read Emily’s blog to understand how to pray better.

One more note: We’re going to especially set aside a particular time to fast and pray – sundown on Saturday through sundown on Sunday. If you are at all able to fast and pray then please join us.

I know that so many of you will jump to join into this season of prayer. Thank you very much. God is always glorified when we cry out to him. He alone is worthy.

With great appreciation and affection,

As part of fasting and taking extra time this week, I will not blogging this week so that whatever time I would spend blogging could be spent praying for this little girl. If there is any update with this situation, please go to Alivia's blog for updates that will help to focus prayers.

May I encourage you to do the same and find time pockets of time, whether great or small to pray for this little girl? It could be driving in the car, while walking the dog, while you're waiting in line for something, while you're standing at a copy machine, just any amount of time that could be used to pray for Alivia.

Thanks in advance for praying...


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