
5 years old? really?

Over at Worship Matters and Dr. Al Mohler's blog, both Bob Kauflin and Al Mohler wish a happy 5th birthday to the IPod. At first glance I thought it was a bit strange, but given these two men and the content of their blogs, music and cultural aspects respectively, it seemed to fit. So I read their posts and it got me thinking and that's why I am posting the links to their posts on wishing the IPod happy birthday.

Dr. Mohler's post - Dr. Mohler discusses the effects of IPods on society and in the home as well as future possible hazardous effects.

Bob Kauflin's post - Excellent advice and questions for parents and individuals who mentor teenagers/young adults. Also good thought provoking questions for teens and youg adults. I personally cringed when I read "Rebellious teens used to retreat to their bedrooms to get away from everything. Now they can just slip on their headphones." That was me to a tee in high school and if I had an IPod back then it would have probably fed more into the rebellion.

I must confess I don't own a IPod. I have considered purchasing one, but I don't really have need of one in my current season. I would probably only consider purchasing one if I worked out at a gym or went walking alot or I traveled alot. I think IPods are neat and definitely are a technology wonder. How do you get all those songs in a little box? I've even heard that you can buy things to play your IPod in your car and home. That may encourage me to rethink purchasing an IPod, but for now, I'm content with the old-fashioned CD player. (I felt old just writing that!)



LisaN said...


Thanks for keeping your blog alive and well! It is neat to be able to see how you are doing!

No ipod here yet. I am still trying to get accustomed with cds!


Anonymous said...

Wow...I feel old, too, Sara! I usually think of CDs as just starting to be the main source of info (though some folks still use tapes!!). And to think they're actually becoming outdated. Are we out of the loop or what? :)