I arrived at BWI at 6:30 AM Wedneday thanks to Bill and Kay Lechner. After checking in and going through security, I got some breakfast and waited for my 9:30 flight to Phoenix. The flight to Phoenix was good. There was some turbulence during the flight and we actually arrived 20 minutes early. When I arrived in Phoenix it was quite hectic. There were alot of flights either from Denver or going over Denver that were canceled or delayed. There was a major snowstorm that blanketed all of Denver. My plane to Hawaii was delayed because it came from Ontario so I had to go to a different gate. All said an done, I got on the plane, delayed about 45 minutes and got settled. My seatmates were great! They were around my age and we had some fun memories including hearing the pilot saying "whoops, can't forget that. . . " The mike cut out and we had fun finishing the sentence with things like "pilot's license, directions," etc. The flight went really well. I was able to sleep and be as comfortable as possible in a plane with 240 other people for 6 hours. Then I arrived in Hawaii where my family greeted me with hugs and leis. We then went home and crashed. Below is a picture of arriving in Honolulu airport.
We're going to go do some stuff today so I have to go get ready! Aloha!
So glad you are safe and sound in Hawaii. I was concerned when I saw on the news about the delays at airports. Thanks for thinking of us and posting. It's great to here almost live how your trip is going.
I can almost feel the warm breeze.
Carol Joy
Hi Sara,
Glad you had a safe trip! We're thankful God answered our prayer for a safe arrival. We missed you at the care group dinner but we knew you were missing us too!
Have a great time!
Green...Kim C.
Hey Sara,
Pretty cool! That's the bright side of technology, to be able to enjoy your vacation with you!! :) I was thinking of you yesterday and praying that you got there safely. Have a great time!!!
If you fly into BWI again, you should let us know. We're only about twenty minutes away from there. We could have lunch or something.
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