
Unwanted Cold, but desired grace...

I thought I would share this quick story of grace...

Yesterday the signs of a cold came quickly overnight. Thankfully it wasn't every symptom all at once, but it was enough to get my attention and make me look through the medicine cabinet. I don't know about you, but colds can be annoying. They do no go away easily and for me, most of the times a cold turns into a sinus infection.

The timing of this cold...well I will late until a later date to judge the timing, but I'm in the midst of back to back busy weekends and a cold was not on the list.

While I was not angry or frustrated with getting a cold, I was worried that I would continue to go on as planned and not address the cold, which is not good. I'm known to keep working even if I'm on my deathbed! Not good! So, I was greatly relieved when a good friend (she knows who she is) offered to take some of my responsibilities for this coming weekend, which I gladly gave up. (Thanks friend, you are a constant source of grace to me.)

So that's a story of God's unfailing and present grace...

and by the way, please pray that this cold would go away and not turn into a sinus infection...I am trying these lozenges, Cold-eeze that say they help shorten the length of a cold. Anyone use these before? Someone gave these to me at work and after a day, it seems to be helping. Thanks in advance for your prayers!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A remedy that I haven't had the guts to try yet...a clove of garlic [just a part of one, not the entire bulb] crushed up and eaten/drinken however. I was given a tip to eat with something so as not to get an upset stomach. And don't plan on meeting Mr. Right for a few days! ;) Like I said, I haven't had the courage, yet.