
Fill in the ___?

I'm a fan of crossword puzzles, although I'm not terribly good at them.  The clues always get me.  You will not find me working the NY Times crossword in pen any time soon.  I am more of a word-jumble-kind-of-girl.  But I'm a fan of crossword puzzles because I'm a logophile who loves to see words connected together and a crossword puzzle literally does that. 

So why am I writing about crosswords?  Well I wanted to give some background before I get to the main text of this post.  Recently, a new friend of mine gave me some good advice on one of my life's situations.  She said, "there are alot of blanks in your life.  And the tendency is to try to fill them up.  Let God fill in the blanks himself."  And because I'm a visual person, crossword puzzles came to mind.  As I was thinking about this, several things revealed themselves.  

1.  I don't like blanks.  Expecially those that have been that way for a long time.
2.  As with a crossword puzzle, I look for the "clues" and fill in the blanks with erroneous answers.  I think I do this just so it can be filled and I can move on (see point #1).
3.  Life feels stuck like when you get stuck in a crossword puzzle.  All those blanks waiting to be filled and no answers have revealed themselves.  
4.  God doesn't speak in pithy or cryptic clues, although it feels like it at times.  
5.  God does have answers for the blanks.  The best ones.  The ones that fit correctly.  

So there it is.  I'm a visual person and this example may be too simplistic in nature, however, it has helped to reveal to me where and how I fail to trust in God.  Even though I fail, God is still faithful and for that I am truly thankful.  He sees the whole puzzle, knows all the answers and will fill in the blanks in His perfect time.  And just as a crossword puzzle has a theme, God's theme for my life has been and will continue to be "the steadfast love of the Lord endures forever" (Pslam 118:1) 

1 comment:

Dani said...

love this post, Sara!! I finally remembered to read it while at my computer! :) As I like to try and understand everything [haha], I can identify with this post! :)